
The city of Miami has gone through several growth stages over the years. It is a thriving prosperous city filled with architecture, nightlife, museums, history and culture. It is no longer just a shopping destination but much more. Miami is creating opportunities for everyone, and its current trend is to develop creative communities within neighborhoods that we will will take a closer look at.

The Arts & Entertainment District

For the past almost 10 years Wynwood has been steadily flourishing and has become quite the destination for breathtaking art murals that can be found at every turn. The neighborhood is not only exploding with art but also  a hotspot for live music, outdoor movie nights, galleries, gyms, restaurants and bars as well as flea markets. The area holds events that truly uplift the entrepreneurial and micro-entrepreneurial community and create an atmosphere that attracts both locals and tourists alike. Wynwood has truly become the go-to hotspot in the city to see what Miami has to offer.

Leah Arts District

Hialeah isn’t the first place that comes to mind when you think of a new up and coming place, but over the past two years, this district has dedicated itself to becoming home to artists around town. With a great boost by great public relations and the support of the municipality, this part of town is a revitalized community that brings together arts, businesses and entertainment together so locals and tourists can come and see beautiful galleries, expositions and live music.


Little Havana

The cultural identity of Miami is definitely found in Little Havana. It's a neighborhood rich and overflowing with Latin American culture, thearts, culture, live music, latin food scene not to mention a major opportunity for cultural enrichment for it harbors timeless traditions from all around the world. A tropical, rustic, rowdy place, it is loud, vibrant and full of places to see, eat and enjoy.

Little River

In the outskirts of the Little Haiti district, the entire area is going through a revitalization project that gathers artists, street vendors, galleries, expositions, and music. And it’s growing because they’re in places that you wouldn’t normally expect them to be: From old gas stations turned into sandwich shops, lofts, and main street spaces that are in the thirst for investors to turn them into beautiful spaces that attract people's curiosity for the path less taken looking for neighborhood gems.


Located in the heart of the Little Santo Domingo district, Allapattah is a neighborhood that gathers culture, arts, and blooming businesses. This district has become the capital of Miami’s wholesale outlets everywhere you look. There’s the textile, produce and simply the works out there for investors and buyers to browse and shop. The Allapattah Art Center is a place to go and has become a hub for other venues to explore and invest inland that is slowly but surely gaining traction.


