
Coworking over the past 10 years is a trend that has in itself become quite the revolution! This trend is force to be reckoned with, bringing together people across a plethora of industries all seeking the same thing: to have a more flexible, collaborative, interactive, and modern workspace to get down to business in.. This work style is based on mutual vision, where trust is shared as well as common core values between its members all looking for the same thing. A nontraditional space where they can make things happen.

The coworking trend has changed the way we work

There are over ten thousand coworking spaces globally!  This number is projected to double in the coming years with traditional work settings very much on its way out. With so many perks that coworking has to offer to eager people that want to build entrepreneurial communities of like-minded individuals that exchange ideas, work on similar projects, in spaces designed to maximize the productivity of the work environment.

The traditional work office is a space in which creativity is somewhat encroached by rules and regulations, that oftentimes kill creativity and drive. A happy employee is usually creative, shares ideas with their peers, and looks forward to common and shared goals in a space that boosts their creative capacities. Both employees and employers want creativity flowing in an environment that is flexible with the freedom to explore new ideas, freedom to network and connect, not to mention the freedom to hear other visionaries in common spaces share their experiences and points of view within their expertise.

The coworking trend created its own space within real-estate

Traditional Offices haven’t changed for years, but they have just undergone a “minor” disruption with the infiltration of co-working spaces in the commercial segment of the real estate market.

With this being the wave of the future, co-working providers are adapting to and providing a work culture that is in sync with the ever-changing trend. Various coworking providers tweak their space with upgrades to improvements with flexibility and accessibility to accommodate the needs of their members. Commercial Real Estate is becoming a luxury as time moves forward.

Several companies and organizations move offices every 2-3 years, so long-term leases do not make sense anymore when such are the dynamics of the commercial real estate.

Companies are looking for faster and much more flexible solutions and the coworking segment has learned to adapt to these needs and would follow on, hence creating an on-demand product for such companies. Coworking can lead to mutually beneficial establishments by following the norm of the shared economy. If envisioned well, coworking will become that segment of real estate where people could live, work & socialize as per their will.

Co-working spaces are evolving along with the new waves of technology. This means that coworking spaces will be network hubs for different communities across various industries. Coworking spaces will become a place where people spend more time working and commuting from, as companies are becoming more and more flexible in hiring the best people regardless of their geographical location. At the same time, it will also be places where people who are looking to learn or network will arrive at co-working hubs simply to find jobs with the rising numbers of freelancers.


