The 6 Biggest Advantages of Private Offices at a Coworking Location

As the world shifts to include more work-from-home positions, coworking spaces and private offices are becoming increasingly popular. These private offices and coworking spaces are an alternative to your typical home office for those that work from home or freelance. Let’s look at some of the advantages to these shared office spaces versus working from your home office. 


At home, there are often a lot of distractions. However, you might not always have the room to be able to isolate yourself. Most coworking spaces offer private offices so that you are never disturbed. WIthout distractions, you are sure to get a lot more done and increase your productivity. 

Human Connection

Let’s face it, working from home can get lonely when you are only on the occasional conference call. There are no breaks to get coffee and chat with coworkers. It’s just you and the pets, and that’s if you even have pets. Coworking spaces offer a social setting where you are surrounded by like-minded individuals that you can chit-chat with or even bounce ideas off of. 


Coworking spaces offer additional resources that you probably don’t have at home such as photography studios, conference rooms, and event spaces. It is hard (and not at all professional) to hold a meeting in your living room. Coworking spaces give you the flexibility to get the team together when you need to. 


Sometimes instead of considering coworking spaces, people jump to renting large private commercial spaces which can get quite expensive. Coworking spaces offer flexible plans that are cost-effective and will fit your budget and needs.

Change of Scenery

Coworking spaces provide a change of scenery since there are always new faces around and they are designed to inspire creativity. Gone are the days of just staring at the wall, try a coworking space to switch up the pace. 

Convenient Locations

When you opt for a traditional commercial space, it is hard to find one in a convenient location since it can be spread out. Coworking spaces are usually in convenient locations that are close to local shopping, restaurants, and hangouts perfect for a drink after all the work you get done. 

In contrast to working from home or renting a commercial private location, coworking spaces offer benefits that are unmatched. 

Check out Minds Miami where you will find coworking space and private offices in Wynwood to experience all of the benefits coworking spaces have to offer.

P.S. We have free coffee ;) — just one of the many perks and amenities offered at our Miami coworking location.