  1. See it for yourself

Make a list of all the coworking spaces that sound good to know and go check them out. It’s best for you to feel the vibe and look around the amenities of each company before you make a decision, this way you’ll know immediately what suits you best and where you will feel more comfortable.


2. Know your community and collaborate

Every coworking space is different and special, once you join a community, you should always get to know the manager or person in charge. This way, you’ll be able to share your experience, projects and ideas to improve the place and help your community 


3. Connect with professionals in your area

What's great about coworking is the fact that you will always be surrounded by other freelancers, professionals and people who might work in your business area. Connecting with these professionals will give you the chance to discuss projects, share ideas, and even working together to set up a new business. The possibilities are endless, so never miss a break to meet new people during your coworking experience!


4. Plan ahead and set a schedule

Always set up a plan before entering your coworking space, this way you won’t procrastinate and feel like you’re actually getting the job done. Having a schedule and planning the activities will help you know beforehand which spaces or specific areas of the coworking space you’ll be needing so you can reserve them in advance.


5. Stay focused and avoid distractions

It's easy to get distracted in a coworking space with all the fuzz and the mingling around. Staying organized and having a checklist will keep your focus on,  a good pair of headphones will also help your concentration.


6. It’s not all about networking

Don’t be afraid to make small talks with other coworkers, sharing a coworking space is not always about trying to sell your business to others. Have a positive attitude and be nice to your mates, it’ll make things easier and more enjoyable.


7 Try the various working spots in the headquarters

From cubicles to large group areas, coworking spaces offer a large variety of environments to work in. Find which vibes suits you best and meets your requirements, if you need privacy, a cubicle will work wonders, but if you like mingling, an open work table will make you feel right at home.

Use these tips to make the most out of your coworking experience!

Minds Cowork is known and well-established for connecting business leaders with our diversified coworking spaces where you can hold forward-focused meetings, strategy sessions, build your business. Managers are on site daily and ready to assist you with whatever you need.

