
There is no denying that right now is a difficult time for all of us. Everybody across the globe is feeling the effects of this horrible pandemic, and we have had to stop our way of life and be sedentary for months.  

Aside from a decline in business productivity, we are seeing Corona take a mental toll on people. Being that there is no sense of security and no real end date to when everything will be back to normal.

As a local institution, we want to be a beacon of light and provide a home for people that need to get back at it and start taking the small steps to normalcy. Whether you're an entrepreneur, an employee of a large organization, a store owner that might've lost their basecamp, we want to help you get back on your feet. 

We Want You to Set Up Shop! Here's What We're Offering:  

First thing's first, we want to make sure that you know that we are taking all of the appropriate measures to keep our Minds CoWork community healthy and safe. 

We have installed several hand sanitizers, distributing masks, and have added stickers throughout our floors to ensure that everyone maintains a reasonable distance when walking in the space. Aside from that, we require visitors to wear masks when they enter the office — this includes tours of the space. 

As far as pricing goes, we are offering what's known as the Minds Flexible Stimulus Plan. No matter what stage your company is at this moment, we are willing to give you the first month free this includes all amenities, and we can discuss pricing options afterward. 

Cash flow is vital for any business, but at this time, we care less about profit margins and more about people and doing the right thing. We want to help out with the stability and longevity of your business and its employees — even if it's a simple thing, like having a roof to work under. 

Growing Your Business in the Post-Corona World 

Today in Florida, the government planned to release what's known as "Phase 2" of re-opening. Though it will NOT include Miami-Dade and Broward county, it's a step in the right direction and a sign that we should start prepping for South Florida to be open for business soon.

Whether it's sooner or later, businesses will start re-opening, and companies are going to start welcoming employees back. 

What does this mean for you? 

It's time to start transitioning to a routine that'll encourage you to communicate with and interact with other leaders to start conducting business. We don't know what will happen in the near future, but it's time to gain confidence and aim for better tomorrows. 

If you're an individual or solopreneur that is looking to get back to an office setting, we would love to help you transition from WFH to working amongst other employees. 

It might be bumpy, and it will be stressful, but as a community, we have to be cautious and make strides to get people back on track.

Here are just a couple of things that you can do to start prepping your return to work:

  • Attend virtual networking events 

  • Schedule calls with local business leaders to talk shop 

  • Work in a safe environment where you can focus on work

  • Reach out to potential customers 

  • Handle admin tasks

We'll be writing a bit more to elaborate on these examples in the coming weeks, along with a couple of productivity tips so you can be physically and mentally ready to get back to normal. 

Resources That Will Help You and Your Company Get Back on Track

Getting back to work won't be easy and it still might take some time, but here are some offerings that will help marketing your business:

Here are some resources of the US Chamber of Commerce:

If you are running a small biz, here are some programs that the Small Business Administration has available: 

Are you excited to see Miami back in Business?

Yes, the COVID era is not over just yet, but after talking to local business owners and entrepreneurs, it’s clear that the people are ready to get back to work. If there’s anything else we can do to help out, please feel free to contact us.

